Mrs. Buehring's Sophomore English

Mrs. Buehring's Sophomore English 

General Information for all Classes

Behavioral Expectations

Be prepared for class activities.

Follow directions the first time they are given.

Speak in an appropriate tone and volume.

Follow Ross S. Sterling High School’s discipline policy.


Grading Policy

Major grades will be 60% of your average.

All other grades will be 40% of your average.

     According to the GCCISD grading policy, late assignments other than homework will result in a ten-point reduction per day for a maximum of three days, after which a zero will be given.  This means that anything classified as homework by the teacher will not be accepted late.  Board-defined extenuating circumstances will be given special consideration.  

Make-up Policy

     Any assignment due the day a student is absent is due the day of return.  If tutoring is needed, then students may schedule a time to stay after school.  According to GCCISD, major grades should be made up within three class days.