Sophomore Novels

A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines

Discussion Board Assignment Instructions:

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. Click on your class period.
  3. At the top, you will see a row of tabs.  Click on "discussion."
  4. You will see the first three discussion topics.
  5. First response - Answer each question as best as you can.  Be thorough in your answer.  Leave no stone unturned. Review the "General Rules for Discussion" handout.
  6. Two comments - After the due date of the first response, you may begin reading your classmates' responses.  You must comment once on two different posts.  Your comment can also include questions for the original poster.  You can also comment on a comment.  You may comment more than once on one person's post, but to get credit, you must comment at least once on two different posts.

Background information that could be helpful:

Who was Jim Crow?

What was Jim Crow?

Take a virtual tour of the Jim Crow Museum.

"The Man Who Killed Jim Crow" - National Geographic article

History of the Early Jim Crow Era

Stories of Jim Crow

Plessy vs. Ferguson - an essay on the Supreme Court ruling that permitted legalized segregation